歼 11

  1. 歼11 洛天依

    空军 歼11 洛天依 2024-04-06

    嗨害嗨,时隔两个月又有锦依卫涂装了! 这次是中系轮椅歼11(可通配Su27),耗时两天完成 可能还是有点史(我知道但我就是不改(狗头保命))但这些都不重要 重要的是: 华风夏韵,洛水天依! (使用了官网佬的模版https://live.warthunder.com/post/1091295/en/)
  2. 苏27/su27/涂装的苏57涂装

    空军 苏27/su27/涂装的苏57涂装 2024-2-25

  3. J-11/SU-27&葬送的芙莉莲

    空军 J-11/SU-27&葬送的芙莉莲 2024-2-24

    金属光泽和浮雕效果,魔法阵火焰 更新内容为:新海报 :tieba-28:
  4. 苏27/歼11 摘星

    空军 苏27/歼11 摘星 2024-1-21

    This is an early version, a re-release, and the main reason I originally removed it for release was that the bump effect was weird and didn't have the effect I expected. You can download it if necessary. Of course, if you want to download my remade version, you can download it here...
  5. 歼11/苏27 多维空间

    空军 歼11/苏27 多维空间 2024-1-21

    Many thanks to this author for the fire effects @Oojiflip https://live.warthunder.com/post/1091476/en/ 非常感谢作者的火焰效果 @Oojiflip https://live.warthunder.com/post/1091476/en/